Would it be better to be an Angel than a man?
by Jean Tuchyna |
Hits: 239
Growing faint, yet pursuing
by Brian Mutsonziwa |
Hits: 240
I am a child of the King
by Svetlana Watson |
Hits: 265
The consequences of personal choice
by Peter Tuchyna |
Hits: 235
"I have nothing" but Jesus
by Mark Allan |
Hits: 212
The power of forgiveness
by Peter Tuchyna |
Hits: 256
Making Godly choices
by Brian Mutsonziwa |
Hits: 228
Choices choices choices --- they can either make you or break you
by Jean Tuchyna |
Hits: 232
Settled in Christ
by Mark Allan |
Hits: 249
The most precious and powerful gift of GOD
by Jean Tuchyna |
Hits: 255