The Ministry of Reconciliation
Peter Tuchyna
2 Cor.5:17-21
The book of Genesis declares that the Lord God created all but one thing by spoken Word. He had imagination, a desire, and a plan. He declared it by the spoken Word, and it came into existence.
But when it came to the creation of a man, God involved himself in a very specific and distinguished way. He physically, with his hands formed a man (statue) out of the dust of the earth. Then He breathed the spirit into the nostril of the statue, and the statue become living soul.
God created us in very specific and unique way as rational beings with the ability to communicate – to create – to reason.
God who revealed Himself as the Living Word wants to communicate and have personal relationship with mankind and thus fulfill his purpose for our creation.
All intelligent beings and civilized nations seek to communicate and the supreme intelligence Gog Himself is no exemption.
Almighty God, who is the Father and the Creator of humanity desires to have a personal relationship with each of His children.
God does not have interest in the Master-slave relationship. He is not satisfied in employer- employee relationship just to do something to him.
Which husband would be happy to have ambitious, strongminded wife who would prefer to work 7 days and long hours having great goals and visions, but who would not see a need to have a time for her husband, to talk to him, to have personal close relationship and if they would talk it would be just about duty and business?
Which wife would be happy if the husband wouldn’t have time for personal relationship, only for work? There would be no communication, no mutual planning, no sharing, no dreaming together, no intimacy, just work.
How long we think would such a relationship last?
God has greater interest in personal fellowship and character of man, than the work done by a man or in the circumstances created by man.
God who is the God manifested in the flesh ( 1.Tim.:3:16) declared that all the power in heaven and on the earth belongs to him Matt.28:18.
There is absolutely nothing we can impress God with by our doing. He created unspeakable glory and splendor unseen and unheard by men.
The glory and worship offered unto Him by innumerable hosts of the heavenly angels is far beyond the measure of our imagination.
There is no church building constructed and offered by us unto the Lord, which would impress him.
Because all power in heaven and on earth are under His authority- consequently all circumstances are under his authority also.
Nothing, absolutely nothing goes unnoticed to God.
Our every word Mt.12:36-37, Col.3:17
Our every thought Deut.31:21, Ps 94:11, Mt 12:25, Lk 5:22
Our every deed Ecles. 12:14, John 3:10, Rev 2:2, Rev 14:13 is known unto him
Just a glass of water offered to someone of his smallest children does not go unnoticed.
Nobody can do anything, nobody can say anything to us as his children, to you and me without God knowing and allowing it.
Every circumstance of your and my life are in God’s hand. Nobody can steal anything, nobody can hurt you and me, nobody can do any damage, threatens our lives, mistreat us without God’s knowledge and permission.
For our benefit the Lord declared that even our hair on our head is numbered Matt 10:30.
No decisions the politicians make can take its toll upon our households, our economy, our employment, our business, our finances without God’s knowledge and permission.
Our own foolishness, mismanagement, ignorance of God’s principles, negligence of the law of the land can bring us to our knees.
But no other and outer influence or circumstance can rob us of the personal relationship with God and his protection.
Matt 10:27-30 My sheep hear my voice and I know them and they follow me. And I give unto them eternal life and they shall never perish; neither shall any man plug them out of my hand. My father, which gave them me is greater than all; and no man is able to plug them out of my Father’s hand.
I and my Father are one.
The greatest joy our God has is when we are despising the circumstances, denying ourselves, ignoring all challenges, even our hurt emotion by others, we would come before his throne – lift out our voices and proclaim in worship singing Hallelujah- Glory unto the Lord God Almighty, because who he is.
We may go through hardship, but we shall not perish.
What is the purpose and reason for affliction then?
God is interested in the character of man rather that his work.
Circumstances do not make individual better or worse. Circumstances are opportunities, where the man’s character is exposed to himself and to others.
Under the circumstances, that, which is hidden deep down in the heart will float to the surface. What is in the heart ( in the character) it will manifest itself.
God does not need to test us, he knows us. We do not know ourselves.
What is a character?
It is described in the lexicon as a stature. In the sunny warn summer is the same, in the cold winter is the same, people can spit on it, it is the same, people can mock it, splash dirt on it, it’s always the same without any change.
So is the character of God and of his children, that are born of the water and of the Holy Spirit.
Book of Acts 15: 15-41 is describing some of the apostle Paul’s ministry with Barnabas. They spent some time together ministering the Word of God with a great anointing. Many souls were saved, many mighty and notable deeds were done.
God honored his word with signs, wonders, and miracles among the multitudes of people.
Apostle Paul was totally consumed by the zeal of God. He presented no limit to himself how far and how deep he would go, what sacrifice and price he was willing to pay for the fellowship and the presence and the anointing of God.
The mighty God used mightily apostle Paul to present the salvation plan to the lost souls. And so was the expectation from everyone involved. So, when they desired to leave Antioch and go around the churches that were previously established by them not long ago, apostle Paul chose not to involve John Mark, who left them and returned from his previous mission.
Acts 15:39 The contention between Paul and Barnabas was so sharp that they departed one from the other.
Apostle Paul felt to be let down by John Mark. John Mark felt to be mistreated by apostle Paul and Barnabas didn’t agree with Paul.
2 Tim 4:11 Later on apostle Paul requested Timothy to send him John Mark. He said, only Luke is with me. Take Mark and bring him with you, for he is profitable to me for the ministry.
That letter was sent by Paul from Rome, where he was in prison.
Mark being previously rejected by Paul is now profitable to him in his ministry?
Does God condone tensions and mistreatment? O, no. How that could be? So what happen than?
Barnabas means the son of consolation (reconciliation). Barnabas was a man of character. He wasn’t driven by circumstances. He wasn’t driven by high personal ambitions. He was not looking for a perfect fit into the compassionless ministry.
Barnabas possessed the character of his God. He had the mind of Christ. He had compassion in his heart. Therefore, he rather chose to abolish the plan with Paul. He outstretched his hand and heart to Mark who needed him at that point of time more than Paul.
God who revealed his Spirit and his character through the life of Barnabas, used even such an unpleasant circumstance to show his character and through that the elimination of negative result of it.
Because of the compassion of Barnabas, the ministry of apostle Paul was preserved, the ministry of Barnabas was preserved, and the ministry of John Mark was developed, because Barnabas was a man of God’s character.
No one soul was lost as a result of contention because of Barnabas stood up for love and compassion.
Maybe there is someone here today with the feelings of past mistreatment somewhere sometimes. You may be misunderstood, despised, neglected, overlooked, rejected by people like the apostle Paul.
There is someone greater than Barnabas in our midst today. It is Jesus, our Creator, our Savior, our Healer, our Provider.
Jesus left the splendor and glory and honor he possessed before the foundation of the earth. He robbed himself in the flesh. He was mocked, despised, rejected, crucified. He lost his reputation among men, he was whipped, his skin cut open. He who knew no sin become sin for us.
For what reason and purpose?
He saw your and my despair, pending eternal judgment, the lake of fire, the unspeakable suffering, which awaits every soul that is without Christ and without his forgiveness, without repentance, without holiness, the separation from sinful life, without the presence of the Holy Spirit.
Jesus chose to pay the redemption price by his own blood on our behalf. Jesus gave his all. He didn’t hold back anything to save you and me from eternal punishment.
When we were undeserving, unlovable, despising God – he died for us. We are not perfect, but being exposed to the love of God, we love him, we love each other, we esteem each other more than ourselves. We forgive each other. We experience the touch and love upon our lives, and we settle for no less than to continue to live in love.
When God is for us, who can be against us. We not only understand the purpose of the Lord’s coming upon the earth, but we also become the members of his spiritual body, living for the benefit of each other.